Quality of Life Updates

Hi sprouts!

I've been a bit silent and for that I apologise. I have been working on the game in my free time and am aiming to finish the prologue and (hopefully) the extras by early February.

For now, I've released two bug busting updates this month, and they contain the following:

Quality of life update on 18th contained:

The main menu character images. (I will give them a background at some point, but finishing the writing is more important)

Fixed a couple selectable texts in Sharla's scenes that weren't working

Fixed a method where players could spam for affection and trust increases/decreases..

Corrected trust and affection levels to better represent your allies for the moral choice after Rallo's battle.

Corrected typos in the game, the Krongr's page, and Esca's page.

Corrected the rumours about the Krongr which contradicted the information given in his codex page.

Completed the race page in the codex

Added tired version of events after Rallo's battle until first rest. Win the battle with under 25HP.

Quality of life update on 24th contained:

Added the setup for possible useful drugs to the storyinit passage. No worries if I end up not using it, I'll just delete it and it won't interfere with your saves because it won't be missable! Yay forward planning!

Corrected more typos.

Fixed affection/trust changes in cycling choices which weren't working correctly

Fixed more selectable texts in Sharla's scenes that weren't working.

Fixed Frodi's and Kelka's second portraits setup in the storyinit passage.***

***This is actually a very important update in that you will need to restart in order to see them in future. However, you don't need to do it just yet if you're already in the middle of the prologue. The portraits aren't seen in the prologue and I will add the option to skip the prologue and do a quick character setup ready for the first mission when I get to that point in the story.

To all those who have followed me and continue to (not in a creepy Gog way, but a good itch.io way!), thank you for your interest! Seriously, I never expected to have gained so many! To McGclock who gave this game its first review: eeeee omg thank you! That 5 star was so generous! And because you're doing great work spreading IF awareness I'll post your page here so other people can find your grand and helpful lists. I've had a peek at it myself and there are so many I hadn't known the existence of. 

So there you have it. I apologise again for the wait, but, you know, life. I am but a single person with an ambitious project. I hope you'll stick around until the end, and I'll do my utmost best to ensure it's worth it!


blackthorn_wyldern.zip Play in browser
66 days ago

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